serving dissemination, learning, onboarding purposes at Ontotext
an open-source scientific and technical publishing system
a HTML presentation framework
file, use Github Markdown + Quarto markdown.make
to generate .html
file = ready to view presentation.html
file in a browser and enjoyUse markdown style: ```…``` or ```language…```.
SPARQL/TTL/PIE code will be in Ontotext-specific highlighting style:
select *
where {
?s ff-map:mentionsEntity ?entity.
?entity a dbo:Place
service <>
{ ?entity rdfs:label ?label }
General purpose programing code blocks are also highlighted:
gr:Grant puml:stereotype "(G,lightyellow)" .
gr:Researcher puml:stereotype "(R,lightgreen)" .
gr:Funder puml:stereotype "(F,lightgreen)" .
<funder/(ADMINISTERING_IC)> puml:stereotype "(A,lightgreen)" .
gr:Grantee puml:stereotype "(G,lightgreen)" .
gr:GranteeDepartment puml:stereotype "(D,lightgreen)" .
gr:Funding puml:stereotype "($,yellow)" .
gr:Address puml:stereotype "(A,lightgreen)" .
gr:Project puml:stereotype "(P,violet)" .
gr:ProjectYear puml:stereotype "(Y,violet)" .
gr:SubProject puml:stereotype "(S,violet)" .
skos:Concept puml:stereotype "(C,lightblue)" .
skos:ConceptScheme puml:stereotype "(S,lightblue)" .
gr:project puml:arrow puml:up.
gr:projectYear puml:arrow puml:up.
gr:subProject puml:arrow puml:up.
gr:activityType puml:arrow puml:down-4.
gr:applicationType puml:arrow puml:down-4.
gr:fundingMechanism puml:arrow puml:down-4.
gr:spendingCategory puml:arrow puml:down-4.
gr:studySection puml:arrow puml:down-4.
owl:sameAs puml:arrow puml:left-dashed-none.
<project/(CORE_PROJECT_NUM)/subProject/(SUBPROJECT_ID)> puml:left <project/(CORE_PROJECT_NUM)/projectYear/(FULL_PROJECT_NUM)>.
gr:outcomeClinicalTrial a puml:InlineProperty.
gr:outcomePatent a puml:InlineProperty.
gr:outcomePublication a puml:InlineProperty.
rdfs:seeAlso a puml:InlineProperty.
prefix rdf: <>
prefix tloimarine: <>
prefix tloCore: <>
SELECT ?waterarea ?area_id ?subarea ?subarea_id ?division ?division_id ?subdivision ?subdivision_id ?subarea_id
?waterarea rdf:type tloCore:BC15_Water_Area .
?waterarea tloCore:LC1_is_identified_by ?x.
?x tloimarine:assignedCode ?area_id .
?waterarea tloCore:LC27_has_section ?subarea .
?subarea tloCore:LC1_is_identified_by ?y.
?y tloimarine:assignedCode ?subarea_id .
?subarea tloCore:LC27_has_section ?division .
?division tloCore:LC1_is_identified_by ?z.
?z tloimarine:assignedCode ?division_id .
?division tloCore:LC27_has_section ?subdivision .
?subdivision tloCore:LC1_is_identified_by ?w.
?w tloimarine:assignedCode ?subdivision_id .
FILTER (bound(?subarea_id) || bound(?division_id))
FILTER (bound(?subdivision_id))
Don’t use ``` sparql…```, instead, mark code block with ```…```. Ontotext code highlighter “moves” opening curly bracket to the very bottom.
PREFIX luc: <>
PREFIX luc-index: <>
luc-index:my_index luc:createConnector '''
{ <---this bracket
"types": [
"fields": [
"fieldName": "grape",
"propertyChain": [
"fieldName": "sugar",
"propertyChain": [
"analyzed": false,
"multivalued": false
"fieldName": "year",
"propertyChain": [
"analyzed": false
}''' .
Tables can be markdown-style and quarto-style.
| Default | Left | Right | Center | |---------|:-----|------:|:------:| | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
results in
Default | Left | Right | Center |
12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
::::{.columns} ::: {.column width="30%"} <div class="right-centered-text">![](../../resources/quarto.png)</div> ::: ::: {.column width="70%"} More text goes here... ::: ::::
results in
More text goes here…
By default, text in Quarto is left-oriented, but with custom CSS it is possible to change orientation of text
::: {.column width="50%"}
<div class="centered-text">
::: {.column width="50%"}
<div class="right-centered-text">
By default, text in Quarto is left-oriented, but with custom CSS it is possible to change orientation of text
Important: Ctrl + Left mouse button click enlarges a picture / returns to a regular view.
{.scrollable .smaller}
in a slide title markdown orscrollable: true smaller: true
in _metadata.yml
Table |
1 |
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3 |
4 |
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6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
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::: aside [Side note: reference to a paper]( :::
1 and another [^longnote]
2[^1]: Here is the footnote.
[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks. Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote.
This will result in:
in a slide title markdown
Or in _metadata.yml
scrollable: true
smaller: true
This image is set without ![](img/timeline.png){height=650px}
To mention relevant parties in this section, use markdown table and adjust widths of images.
Developed by | Ontotext AD | |
Funded by | Horizon Europe Project ACCORD(101056973) | |
Powered by | Ontotext GraphDB | |
Ontotext Platform Semantic Objects | ||
Data from | buildingSMART Data Dictionary |
Quarto Presentations with beautiful slide decks made by RevealJs